Cass Cooling website mockup homepage with banner representing the air conditioning business
Website design for Cass Cooling designed to reflect notions of scientific trust using technical illustrations of installation, maintenance and breakdown services
Business cards design for Cass Cooling using elements from the web design
Print design for Cass Cooling. The magnets advertise the small air conditioning business using design elements in the primary brand
Sticker design for advertising the Cass Cooling business, using elements located in the brand


Cass Cooling



Logo Design -Website Design -Business Collateral



Cass Cooling is a locally owned and run refrigeration and air-conditioning business. Cass Cooling began operation in 2004 and has grown, since then, to be a well recognised and respected business dealing in the design, installation and maintenance of air conditioning, refrigeration and mechanical services.

Cass Cooling aims to be highly competitive in the air conditioning and refrigeration industry. Their reputation has been built on providing quality and establishing relationships with clients. Their integrity was portrayed using a highly reductive, corporate logomark, using a blue colour palette reflecting trust and more explicitly, the benefits of air-conditioning in general. The website was designed to further reflect notions of scientific trust using stylised technical illustrations of installation, maintenance and breakdown services offered by the company.

View the website for Cass Cooling at